John 21:16
Again Jesus said, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" He answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Take care of my sheep."
We all feel overwhelmed during these times in our lives. People have been confined to their homes, parents have taken over the task of homeschooling their children at the last minute. Not to mention the chaotic mess at the grocery store. The times we live in will make anyone overwhelmed. As we talked about in our previous devotional we do not fear but in this time there is no way of us escaping being overwhelmed. The best remedy for this reciting "this too shall pass" and not listening to every single word that people repeat.
I have someone I know and I say I know because I do not become too involved with this person because she is as some would put it a drama queen. She texted me the other day and was repeating a rumor. As I pressed her for where she got her information she said: "Well, it is someone that knows someone that works in a place that got it directly from the source". I informed her that if it is true then it will be confirmed with a statement from the company and announced through our local news. She was adamant that this was the truth. Without any confirmation except what she had heard through the grape vine. I waited for the truth and the rumor stopped with me. I did not repeat what she said I kept quiet and waited patiently for the truth to reveal itself. And it did, what she had repeated that was here in our hometown was not in our hometown. It happened 300 miles away. The next day I let her know the truth her response? Smiley face.
Oh, the tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive. There is already enough that is happening right now and for people to act like this only makes it worse. All I have to say is people like her are a good case study for us believers because their main engine is promoting fear. It is an engine we do not operate with. Sadly, we have some people that are believers, and they become brainwashed with you-tube videos. We are to seek the truth, but not from man. We are to seek the truth in the Word of God, and we are to let him reveal what that truth is. If we do not we are going to get tangled up in that web of deception and lead others in there with us.
Matthew 24:24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
I do not know if others realize how serious it is when we lead others astray with gossip, conspiracy theories, and rumors. Thinking that they have it all figured out, boasting they are only trying to inform others and being the good little shepherds taking care of God's sheep. It is dangerous and God does not turn a blind eye to it. The scripture above Jesus asked not once, not twice, but three times. Not because Jesus was deaf but because he was trying to hit something home with Peter. God will give you hints, but he wants you to figure out your wrongs and do what is right. Remember at the last supper how Peter boasted about being a know it all and sure of himself? Peter boasted, “Though they all fall away… I will never fall away” (Mt 26:33). But of course Peter did fall away, denying Christ not once, not twice, but three times that very night.
My point? Do not be a know it all because the "ALL-KNOWING" God will prove you wrong every single time. We are living in perilous times we are living in a time that almost all of us have never witnessed or been in and people are vulnerable. We are in a digital age that can make you so overwhelmed with the false information and sifting out the truth can be almost impossible. Do not believe everything you hear wait and let the truth reveal itself it always does. Do not be like Peter and boast. Take your discipleship seriously as we all should. Do not mislead God's children. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive his recompense in the body, whether it was good or bad" 2 Corinthians 5:10
Yeshua is asking you today do you love me? Do you love me? Do you love me? How you convey information, how you speak, and how you behave in these times will reveal the truth of your motives. It will also reveal if you truly love him. Always guide His flock in the fear of the Lord not the fear that is in this world. Now, I will ask you do you love Yeshua?
Shannon Wendler