Above Not Below

True Christians that follow the signs of the times know that we are in perilous times. The world is changing and it is changing fast. One of the things that is taking control is technology it can be a blessing but it is also a curse. Technology is not bad, people are. It can be used for good or it can be used for evil.

A few years ago I was headed to an appointment I noticed the flags in our community entrance was at half-staff. I thought they really need to raise those Nancy Reagan's death was a few weeks back. Then I thought, Brussels, it is almost as if our flags are constantly lowered still to this day. Every week it seems they are down it is hard to keep up with the reasons as to why. If you turn to any news channel you will find out the reasons.

I thought in that moment as I drove by, God what if we went to our knees as fast and as often as we lowered our flags. I know it will not change the future we all know from the book of Revelation this world is in serious trouble. There is no stopping what is coming, the only thing we can do is prepare not just ourselves but also others. Things will get far worse before the return of His Son. The point is we go to our knees not to avoid the coming fate of this world. We go to our knees for strength, encouragement, discernment, to endure what is coming. We can all go through the debate of the rapture..etc. But this is not where I am heading with this. We should always prepare for anything when it comes to God. No matter how hard we try to figure it all out bottom line is God does not trust you or me. He gave us everything in the Garden and we handed it all over to Satan. So, we really cannot blame him for being careful when handing us any information from the Kingdom.

Just for a moment think about when you read the Bible. How often do you think WOW I read that passage a month ago and did not see that! This is God giving you wisdom to what He wants you to know when He wants you to know it. When you give it all up to God and stop trying to control everything including knowledge it is amazing how easier things become. I know when I was in my early 20’s and when I read the New Testament I was like HUH? I knew Yeshua walked the earth I knew He lived and died for my sins and God raised him from the dead. However, I was not truly born again. Even though I believed, I did not understand. The difference between the two you might ask? Well, the difference is knowing and believing are two different things. Accepting Yeshua as Lord over your life means giving up your old self and allowing him into your life and giving him complete control. Thus, the new you is born, you are born again. Shedding the past and becoming new in the future. Let's get back to the point I was making, as born again Christians we all know the time is near correct? Just because we know the time is near does not mean that we know the hour for it is written; Therefore, keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. Matthew 25:13

What is God saying to you here? He is telling you to keep watch, not to try and figure out the day or the hour if you try you will be spinning your wheels. Missing the mark. He is only telling you to keep watch, watch the signs the time is near. Prepare in a way, not of the world but of the Kingdom. So instead of lowering flags weekly to show respect, lower yourself to your knees hourly. Pray for wisdom not to change things or to know them for great conversation starters or to show the world you are intelligent. But to accept them. Do not get me wrong there is nothing wrong with lowering flags for respect but when we do that more as a nation than bowing in prayer this is when we are setting our sights more on below rather than above. 

~Shannon Wendler