God Knows Your Pain

I am certain that I never did grow in grace one-half so much anywhere as I have upon the bed of pain.  ~ Charles Spurgeon

How can God allow a mother to betray her daughter? She bears false witness, she leaves her daughter with unbearable pain that you often wonder if she ever knew the meaning of love and if she ever loved her daughter at all.  She uses everyone around her she is the grand puppeteer in a skill full game of not give and take only take. She uses raw emotions to have every tool to cut through the flesh of her own child. She now can to turn the winds of change in her direction. A direction where she can bear innocence, and judge others as guilty. She moves the situation in her favor where all that is blind will believe a lie. This is the grand façade and grand deception of Satan, he has a hold and he is not letting go, he has reached his ultimate goal of tearing apart the souls of God’s most beloved children. Sadly, the mother has obliged the whispers of demonic influence and now everything that surrounds her is nothing but darkness which he has even fooled her into thinking she is in the grand light of our Father in heaven.

People are often confused by evil and how Satan is allowed to maneuver in and out of our lives. It is not Satan doing the work it is those that he is influencing that is doing his bidding. Satan did not eat of the fruit, he did not cause the fall of mankind. This was because of the actions of our first parents. Satan can do nothing without God’s approval, he has NO authority over anything unless it is allowed. He is allowed to tempt, little does he know that when he is allowed God uses it for His benefit to strengthen His children. Satan knows the sinful side of our nature more than we do after all he is the father of sin. He uses it against us, how? The answer is so many people steer clear of the Bible because it shows us who we really are a sinful, fallen, race. When we harbor our sin and not face it we are heading down a road that is full of so much pain. Deception is his greatest and most effective tool. If you listen to a lie long enough you will start to believe it. After all he is the master of all lies and when we are not planted firmly in His word, which is the very sword that can take him down we are in trouble. He is roaming this earth to all four corners looking for weakness, looking for someone with just enough hate in them to tempt. He is looking for that person that has a selfish heart someone that will do all that they can to steal what is not theirs. Just enough jealousy mixed with that hate it is a grand recipe for destruction. Just enough to tear down what God is on his way to build up.
Little do so many understand that this is where testing our faith begins. We should never think why is this happening to me? We should ask what is God showing me in this?
Have you ever felt like you were out on an emotional iceberg all by yourself? Feeling like you are the last person on the face of the earth that has been hurt? The waves beat the very foundation of what is left of your life. You are beaten, bruised, and nothing and I mean nothing helps, you find no comfort in the words that family and friends offer to help you heal. You are at the very bottom of the misery that haunts you day and night. The never-ending words that ring in your ear over and over “What did I do to deserve to be treated this way”? Why have I been left to drown in my own blood that my enemies caused”?

God knows your pain it is personal to him too, he knows because he too was on an emotional iceberg in the Garden of Gethsemane so much he sweated blood as he prayed and grieved. I am sure at that moment he felt like the last person on the face of the earth. He was beaten and bruised and did nothing to deserve it. He was left to drown in his own blood that his enemies caused.

How can God allow a mother to betray her daughter? Because it is through the unbearable pain my mother caused that brought me to my knees placed my Lord directly in my path, his pierced blood stained hands reached down and pulled me up. His unfathomable grace has given me strength, taught me how to love those who persecute me rather than hate them. Through this I have learned to love those who do not love me, to bless those who curse me, to make peace when there is hurt and anger, through all this I still honor and love my mother. It is from afar, but she is still in the deepest most private part of my prayers even though I doubt her love for me. I have upon the bed of my pain been born again, upon the bed of pain I have learned to embrace the cross as my savior did.  
~ Shannon Wendler