My Letter From Christ

I will not ask how you are doing today and I will not ask how your faith is because I know. I know you do not know the purpose the Lord has for you yet, the outside that people see you feel is a mirage. You smile, laugh, and make friends with all that cross your path. There is still a saddened heart with so much love to give. You have built walls and you sometimes forget what is said in scriptures that have been spoken loud and clear of when you follow me. Deep down you know you are no longer lost, but sometimes you feel like you have been forgotten. You try to still be all that others want you to be. You have improved in that part of your life, but a part of you still feels like you on a day to day basis fall short for the one that shed his blood for you. When you rise you still feel as the sun breaks through the morning clouds that you have not done enough, and you have not done the best you can for Him. You know nothing is accomplished unless it passes through his hands. The doubts roll in like a roaring thunderstorm it is ready to tear down all that God has built inside you. There are days that the demons prey on your weakness and there are days that you feel you can battle Satan himself with one hand tied behind your back. Then fearfully there are days that the tears cannot stop flowing and there are days that you cannot stop praying. There are praises in happiness and questions in despair.  You seek daily not what this world offers, you seek what the Lord has to give. You struggle, you fight, and you want to give up.
Know that I am there in the night when you feel peace that nothing in this world can give to you. I hear you when you scream out to me, I hear you when you whisper. I cry when you cry, and in prayer when you reach out your hand it is cradle in mine. I am there in that sudden moment at 12am when you know this is not the garden God built for you, you realize this is what Satan has caused. Do not give up because I will never give up on you. I know the temptation is strong, and the battles they are long, God knows you are doing the best you can. I know you always remember that he made you, you are his child and no matter the wrong in this world and the wrong you have done. I fixed what was broken just for you thousands of years ago.  I took the nails that were meant for you so you can live eternally with Him. God like you is dealing with the hand that has been dealt in this world. Listen closely for his voice and fight what God wants you to fight, but yield when he asks you too. Lay down in his protection when you are weak and let him finish the fight for you.
Never forget I am your King, but remember you are flesh He is not, He is God and you are human.
I love you,
© Shannon Wendler